Who is the Concrete Paparazzi?

Hello. My name is Deepanjan, Deep for short. I work for a radio station in Calcutta, now called Kolkata, India. But on the weekends, I turn into a mix of Lara Croft and Indiana Jones, as I explore my city, the City of Joy. Most people don't realize that there is much in Calcutta hiding behind the mask of the mundane. Those huge old buildings in the North, what are their stories? Why do certain areas have such peculiar names? Why are there cannons sticking out of the pavement in Fairlie Place? There is so much in the city that no one has answers to. It is my mission to unearth and reveal such things.

History, travel and photography are my primary areas of interest, and sometimes I venture out of the city as well, and share travel stories.

If you have a question, suggestion, or even want to know what books I read for my research, you can email me. deepanjan.jocktalk@gmail.com is my email address, and I am usually prompt with replies, unless I am stuck in a medieval underground vault with no reception.


FACEBOOK - facebook.com/deepanjan.ghosh
TWITTER - twitter.com/doubledolphin
INSTAGRAM - instagram.com/doubledolphin/
PINTEREST - https://www.pinterest.com/deepanjanjockta/
INDIBLOGGER - https://www.indiblogger.in/c6vdewug3fkz

1 comment:

Flavius Aëtius said...

I was traversing the lanes of Calcutta and being a architecture geek, quickly googled one of the pretty buildings in the city and luckily found your blog. Didn't put my phone down till I read the whole blog. Beautifully written. Carry on the good.work