With a population of a million Muslims, Calcutta or
Kolkata has well over 500 mosques. While most of these mosques are from the 19th
century, there are a few which are older. But what could have been one of the
grandest and most historic mosques of the city, does not exist anymore. The
mosque, established by the Nawab of Bengal, Siraj-ud-Daula, would have existed
in Dalhousie Square, the city’s central business district, and would have been
a marker of the biggest armed conflict in the history of the city – the 1756
Siege of Calcutta.
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Alinagar Masjid as imagined by Rounak Patra |
The new Nawab of Bengal, Siraj-ud-Daula, had been
displeased with the East India Company for a number of reasons, not least of
which was their misuse of the trade “dastak”, which exempted them from taxes.
But the final provocation was the apparent construction of new fortifications
around Calcutta, which the Nawab expressly forbade. While the English were
actually fortifying themselves against possible hostilities from the French in Chandannagar,
their imperious and arrogant Factory Chief, Roger Drake, was unable to explain
the matter sufficiently well to the Nawab. Siraj marched with an army of 50,000
on Calcutta, and reached its northernmost defences on the 16th of
June, 1756. By the 20th of June it was all over and the victorious
young Nawab renamed the city Alinagar, in honour of his grandfather, Alivardi
Khan, the previous Nawab. A former peshkar of the Burdwan Maharaja, Manikchand,
was left in charge of a city with a small garrison of horsemen.
Those who had managed to escape the fall of the city took
their ships downstream to a place called Fulta, where they took refuge outside
a small Dutch trading post. It would take several months before help arrived
from Fort St. George in Madras. With the help of the armies sent down from the
south, led by men such as Robert Clive and Eyre Coote, Calcutta would be
retaken by the EIC on the 2nd of January 1757. When news reached the
capital, Murshidabad, Siraj marched on Calcutta again, but was forced to come
to terms when Clive attacked his camp, causing complete mayhem. Almost exactly
a year after Siraj had defeated the East India Company in Calcutta, the Nawab
himself was defeated in the Battle of Plassey. As the British residents of
Calcutta returned they found the city ruined and looted. Many of the buildings
had been severely damaged during the fighting. Many more had been looted, burnt
down and dismantled during the 6 months of occupation. Calcutta’s first
Anglican church, St. Anne’s had been completely gutted in the war. But to their surprise, a new mosque had come up.
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Plaque on the GPO wall, placed by Curzon, marking the position of the southeast bastion of the old fort |
At the heart of the British settlement was the old Fort
William. Located in the space between the present day GPO and the Fairlie Place
railway headquarters, the old fort was constructed between 1696 and 1706 and it
housed the East India Company’s factory, the Governor’s mansion, living
quarters for the employees or factors of the company, and various offices and
godowns. The irregularly shaped fort had a western wall shorter than the
eastern wall, and a northern wall shorter than the southern wall. It was
heavily damaged in the siege and was eventually torn down and built over. One
of the first things in the old fort that was torn down was a mosque which had
been built by the Nawab’s army, apparently under his orders.
As he was leaving the town for Murshidabad,
Siraj-ud-Daula had ordered that all Europeans quit the town (anyone caught
within city limits would have his nose and ears chopped off), that the town
henceforth be known as Alinagar and that a mosque be built in the fort. It
seems likely that the mosque would serve a dual purpose. First, it would serve
the Muslim men in Manikchand’s garrison who were to hold the town. Apart from
the Basri Shah Masjid in far off Cossipore, there is no mention of any mosque
anywhere in or near Calcutta at that time. Second, it would serve as a victory
mosque – a grand reminder of his victory over the English. After all, in a
letter to the Mughal court, the young Nawab did boast that his exploits could
only be compared to those of Tamerlane. By December of 1756, a certain Dr. W
Forth was writing to the EIC’s council, then at Fulta. Forth had been trying
through the Armenian trader Coja Wazeed (or Wajid), to negotiate with the Nawab
for returning the company’s possessions. Even if he did allow the English to
return, Wazeed wrote that it was unlikely that he would budge about two things
– the name of the town, Alinagar, and the mosque.
Eyewitness accounts of the mosque come from two letters.
A letter written on board the ship Kent, possibly by a soldier, which was
published in the London Chronicle in August, 1757, but dated 1st
February, 1757, says that the garrison “had no notion of our being able to take
it, as they had built an elegant mosque”. Before that, on the 8th of
January, Clive was writing to the Select Committee at Fort St. George in Madras,
mentioning that a portion of the fort’s east curtain wall had been demolished
to make way for the mosque. Hill and Orme, the two authors who have dealt with
the siege in the greatest detail, both mention that a portion of the fort’s
east curtain wall had been demolished to make way for the mosque. The mosque
also seems to have been made from material scavenged from the surrounding
structures, especially abandoned English residential mansions, which surrounded
the fort. However, Clive uses the phrase “they were erecting” when he mentions
the mosque, which makes me suspect that the mosque was never completed, which
would make sense. They only had about 6 months. Would that be enough time to
complete a brick and mortar structure? Especially given that it was a city
under siege?
Calcutta was taken back on the 2nd of January,
1757 and Admiral Watson handed over Fort William to the Bengal council the
following day. On Tuesday, the 4th of January, 1757, the council had
a “consultation” or general meeting. In attendance were Roger Drake, who was
the President of the settlement, along with Clive, Watts, Killpatrick,
Frankland, Collet and a few others. At this meeting it was ordered that the
mosque be demolished. No further mention of the mosque can be found in the consultation
records for the rest of the year, or even Clive’s correspondence with the
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Curzon's map (left) and the site as seen on Google Maps (right). Probable position of mosque highlighted in green. |
The first proper excavation of the site of the old fort
happened in 1880, under English architect Richard Roskell Bayne. Bayne worked
for the railways and was responsible for several famous monuments in India, including
the Hussainabad Clock Tower of Lucknow and the Fairlie Place Railway
Headquarters, which still stands on the northern end of site where the old fort
once stood. In 1880, the sheds to the north of the old Custom House were being
demolished to lay the foundations for the new railway offices, when Bayne
stumbled upon the foundations of the north curtain wall of the old fort. Curious,
he conducted extensive excavations around the site, making careful measurements.
His findings appeared in the Journal of the Asiatic Society. Further excavations
were carried out in 1883, and in 1889. When Curzon became Viceroy of India, he
had the old fort’s exact location traced, and matched against the buildings
that had been built over it, creating the famous map that has been reproduced
in multiple texts later. Based on that map, and certain key phrases in Orme and
Hill’s writing, it is possible to make an educated guess about where the mosque
would have been.
Hill produces letters which mention that the mosque was
built by demolishing a part of the east curtain wall. Orme says that the mosque
was inside the fort. Mosques in India face east. One walks in to face the
western wall which has a niche in it, called the mehrab, which indicated the
direction of the Kaaba, which a Muslim should face when praying. The entrance
to the mosque, therefore would be on today’s Netaji Subhas Road, extending
westwards, inside the old fort. I do not think that the east curtain wall near
the south east bastion would have been demolished. Even during Curzon’s time,
there was a line of freestanding arches inside the GPO, near the south eastern
bastion, which were remains of the old fort. If there was considerable
demolition and construction in the area, these would not have been left
standing. The foundations of the barracks and the black hole prison were also
found, which means that the area immediately to the south of the East Gate was
also probably not the site of the mosque or these would have vanished as the
foundation of the mosque were dug. Besides, breaking through both the outer
wall, and the prison’s walls would have been too much work. That leaves us the
part of the eastern curtain wall that is presently occupied by the Reserve Bank
of India building (previously the Customs House) and the Fairlie Place railway
headquarters. Bayne’s report mentions that this is the one area where he did
not find any substantial remains of the east curtain wall. So the mosque, in
all probability, stood where the Reserve Bank of India’s Soviet-style headquarters
stand today.
Had it survived, Siraj-ud-Daula’s mosque would have been
a constant reminder to the British about how a “moor” had soundly defeated
them, so it is unlikely that they would have let it survive. But it would have
been wonderful if modern equipment and techniques, such as ground penetrating
radar could be used to get some confirmation as to its probable location. Just
goes to prove that even a place as thoroughly documented as Dalhousie Square, which
is regularly covered by well-researched walking tours such as those of Heritage Walk Calcutta, still has secrets.
- by Deepanjan Ghosh
- Sketch of Alinagar Masjid created by my friend Rounak Patra.
- I am grateful to blogger Soham Chandra and Archaeologist Dr. Tathagata Neogi for their help with this article.
The Bengal & Madras Papers Vol. II
Hill, Samuel Charles – Bengal in 1756-57 Vol. I, II, III
(John Murray, 1905)
Orme, Robert – A History of the Military Transactions of
the British Nation in Indostan, Vol. II, III (Pharaoh & Co, 1861)
Fort William Consultations 1757 (National Archives of
India, PR_000005013673)
Wilson, C.R. - Old Fort William and the Black Hole (Office
of the Supt. Of Govt. Printing, 1904)
Wilson, C.R. - Old Fort William in Bengal Vol. I & II
(John Murray, 1906)
I wish it was left standing by tue British as the legacy of the last independent Nawab of Bengal.
NCERT ruins my taste of history. Your blog is the best alternative. Please tell me how may I arouse such taste?
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